

Writing does not need to be a struggle! Using human sounding voices, SaySo reads aloud as you type, and with advanced spell checking and AutoCorrect options, you can confidently update your online status, write your college project or email your colleagues, knowing you’ve made no mistakes.

Reading is also simpler with SaySo; relax and listen to your friends’ emails, your favourite blog or the long report from the boss. SaySo highlights the words as they are spoken, focussing your attention and building your understanding of the text.

Or why not break free from your PC? SaySo saves documents as MP3s (or DAISY books) that you can ‘read’ on the move using your phone, MP3 player or DAISY player.

SaySo is ideal for students and employees with dyslexia, as well as anyone looking to build confidence with reading and writing.

Where can I find out more?


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